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Old 2012.09.09, 10:41 AM   #96
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So I use a Sansa Clip+ with Rockbox and I've gotten annoyed with the battery life. The player is great but it is a shor tbattery (which I knew when I bought it).

Apparently though it has a very efficient encoder for FLAC and Ogg files, so using FLAC/Ogg actually increases the battery life.

Most of my music is in MP3 LAME V0, some in AAC from iTunes.

I know FLAC uses up way more storage, so that's out. But I know next to nothing about Ogg. Would it be a viable alternative to convert my music into Ogg? What is the highest quality of Ogg files? How does size/quality ratio compare to MP3? Sorry for asking questions like these again.
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