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Old 2012.11.05, 05:47 AM   #51
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TurtleFu deserves a fucking medal

Omatsuri Sawagi IS a better song than Togatta Teguchi.
Togatta Teguchi has some nice electric sitars, but her vocals are intentionally staccato and it just sounds cold and distant. It's emotional point (that everything eventually dies) is not really conveyed that well through the music. As for it being experimental musically: honestly, I don't think so. It's so Muse-ish that it doesn't seem innovative to me.
With Omatsuri Sawagi, the melody just rolls right off the tongue, the lyrics are fantastic, and you really feel the emotion of experiencing the Matsuri for the first time. It just draws you in so much. IMO, it is right up there with Whiteberry's Hanabi in terms of songs about Matsuri.
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