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Old 2013.05.28, 06:52 AM   #120
Superficial Fan
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I didn't mean to be cryptic. I would rather be eating chocolate.


There's just a part of me that enjoys elaborate footnotes in contexts like these. It's almost comical to me, but I'm sure I can explain why. Again, when I say it's comical, that's not a putdown at all. It's like that one Ezra Pound translation of a Japanese or Chinese poem that's about two lines (maybe a couple more), followed by a lengthy paragraph-long explanation of the cultural context, why it matters, etc. I think I might be thinking of one with the line "listening to incense" in it, but maybe it's a different one. I like that sort of mixture of didacticism and obvious enthusiasm. I think there's something sort of exhilarating to me about being reminded of this enormous network of meanings and assocations I know so little about.

Anyway, without being cryptic, I've appreciated your translations over the years. I even respect your wishes not to have them reposted, despite temptation.
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