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Old 2013.07.18, 01:55 PM   #21
True Final Boss
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Glathannus knows what you did last summerGlathannus knows what you did last summerGlathannus knows what you did last summer

Originally Posted by Tokyo Jihad View Post
Hahah, I remember you said something like "Shiina owned it/made it her own." Which is more praise than at least I have ever associated with =p
Okay, that sounds vaguely familiar. But usually when people acknowledge my commentary without actually quoting or paraphrasing me, it's assumed that I must have said a lot more than a sentence of two. Since I couldn't imagine myself coming up with a Usual Glath Length defense of OSCA, I had to question whether or not I had even participated at all. I stand corrected.

Originally Posted by Tokyo Jihad View Post
(I took me five tries to post this too, what the heck)
If you tried Quick Reply (which doesn't reload the entire page), it may have appeared as though your replies weren't getting through, when in fact, they were actually appearing before my existing post(s).

It turns out my posts are often recorded as a minute or two in the future, so if you reply to them fast enough (before the future moment when my posts supposedly came through), your 'reply' appears before my post instead of after. I had to go into the database just now, and swap our latest recorded times in this topic, so that our posts here would appear in the correct order.

It's not exactly a vBulletin bug, but rather it's a side effect of me using an extra server when I submit my posts. This extra server doesn't have its time completely synchronized with the main server, and the time is logged according to which server the posts came through.

I apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
You know Tokyo Jihen is a supergroup, when you can't blame most of the members for wanting to pursue other projects.
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