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Old 2013.08.14, 03:29 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by deadgrandma View Post
I have a Yapoos (Jun Togawa) Karaoke Laser Disc... but like it says on the case it's "not for retail sale" :-p
That is fantastic.
Your level of devotion to collecting inspires me to be a better person.

Originally Posted by Glathannus View Post
I wouldn't say that Firewire itself is the #1 most important thing about a product like that, but you should nevertheless beware of video recorders based on USB 2.0. Since uncompressed video would be pushing the bandwidth limits of that interface, USB 2.0-based recorders tend to pre-encode the video into some form of lossy akin to the video quality we've come to expect from most webcams.
From my days editing video semi-professionally, I would certainly recommend this as the way to go. A firewire-based analog converter is going to yield you the best results by far. USB converters tend to be terribly unreliable unless you're willing to shell out a hefty amount for one and firewire will be much less of a hassle for less investment. Even something as simple as a cheap digital camcorder (most likely Mini DV) with a composite input would suffice and get the job done quite adequately. The only real pain in the ass comes from capture software, which can sometimes by finicky, but it's nothing insurmountable.

Take my advice with a grain a salt, though. This is based on my personal experience capturing and editing analog video and I've been out of the game for a good five years or so. There may be better options nowadays since I haven't kept up on the tech.
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