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Old 2013.08.24, 06:25 PM   #8607
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TurtleFu deserves a fucking medal

Words right out of my mouth, DG. You are on point.

I remember from my deep dark days as an idol fan a little group made up EXCLUSIVELY of pre-pubescant girls. Most of them were 10 when the group started. The songs themselves were some generally bland idol pop, but I remember one specific member from the group had several photobooks, filled with bikini shots, butt shots, and one of her licking cream cheese off her finger while looking suggestively at the camera. And the concerts were nearly exclusively attended by adult men. It's extremely creepy, even within the fandom if somebody said they were a fan of this particular girl they would get side-eyed. Unfortunately she was easily the most popular member of the group.
One of the things that really annoys me: male idols actually get to attend college, and get degrees (even though there is PROBABLY some fudging of grades involved...). Female idols are not allowed to learn any valuable skills (one idol in particular scored fairly high on a national exam, and then had to leave the industry so she could go to college), so when they inevitably get too old to be idols, they are left with no option other than to be a housewife.

EDIT: Have you heard of Klaus Nomi DG? I'm not really familiar, but he seems to have been doing what Togawa did: new wave beats, operatic singing, surreal imagery, avante garde presentation. I wonder if she was aware of him (I think they were contemporaries)

Last edited by TurtleFu : 2013.08.24 at 06:30 PM.
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