Thread: Ringo News 2015
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Old 2015.09.02, 09:37 PM   #1188
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When you're saying people don't like Toutaikai, who exactly are we talking about? People who hate everything she's done that wasn't rock/band style? It's not as in your face, but her energy is wonderful and she sounds incredible. Not sure about how domestic fans felt/feel about it, but I don't hear too much about it one way or the other :\

I'm wondering if her tour band will be the Mangarama crew, or if she'll be changing members up again... Uki was recently in the studio with Kaasuke (the long-haired drummer from Expo 08), which is likely totally unrelated to Ringo since they're both active, popular musicians, but it's got me imagining all sorts of possibilities...

It's her first big tour in a really long time, and she's doing several shows a week in lots of locations, so I really doubt the stage production will be anything as grand as Expo... I'm really anticipating how this will turn out the more that I think about it.

And zero, you could totally dance to that smooth version of yokushitsu!

Last edited by tsukigimehime : 2015.09.02 at 09:59 PM.
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