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Old 2015.09.09, 07:29 AM   #32
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Osiris12345 deserves a fucking medal

When I first heard Gibs and Koko I was very dismissive of them as generic tunes, especially Gibs. It wasn't until I gave them another listen that I discovered there's actually some really good songwriting going on there. And Dynamite Out absolutely brought out the best that Koko had to offer. Also kinda agreed on the whole sounding like "Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me" thing. I never thought about how similar they are until now. Think Ringo was a Batman Forever fan?

Also I'm gonna fight you on GX, Maou. You brought up good points about how the songs aren't as good on a technical level but performance-wise I think they're fine for the most part (although I can't argue in favor of GX Izonshou, I just.... can't). Nagoshi is a great guitarist and did some great guitar work on the album but Yayoshi brings good live energy to the setlist. I think of it kind of like if late 70's - early 80's Johnny Ramone played some Ringo songs. Early Johnny Ramone is a pretty shitty guitarist. He's sloppy and if you give him a song with more than three chords in it he'll look at it like you gave him a note in Chinese. The GX songs are stripped down, given more simple arrangements, the solos are only a few notes/chords, and they're made kind of more "punk". Especially something like Aozora. Kyogenshou suffers a little because the appeal of that song WAS the complex arrangement but I don't look at it like a complete travesty.
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