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Old 2016.05.07, 06:50 PM   #167
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Originally Posted by deadgrandma View Post

Of course there's nothing wrong with exposing your readers to different music (if anything, it's a good thing! ), but this is a forum afterall, and people tend to discuss things here. Anyway, with that aside....

I didn't post that article in order to attack Oomori, per say (I'm actually a fan of hers despite the criticisms I have) it's just that the comment I saw reminded me of something I read sometime ago. Since Oomori is pretty popular around these parts, I figured I might as well post it to spark some discussion and see other people's point of view. Also, I'm well aware of Ian Martin's reputation, but this place can be quite negative as well (not that I'm complaining). While I can see his outlook is tiresome, he definitely knows a lot about the Japanese music scene and has some interesting opinions, even if I don't always agree.

That all said, I didn't mean for my original comment to be defensive -- I'm not even a fan of many, if any, traditional jpop singers (Ringo excluded, of course). Though, looking back, it does seem rather hostile and I'm sorry for that. It's just that I find some of the vocalists you're defending to be just as bland/lifeless/whatever as the other singers you're attacking. I mean, for example, I personally find Seiko Oomori's screeching and screaming too try-hard to feel any real emotion from it and when she tones it down on her poppier tracks, she sounds interchangeable with any of the female jindie acts floating around nowadays. Not much about her singing comes across as genuine or compelling. I don't know, it's just that her voice (or daoko's voice, or Cicada's voice, etc.) isn't really a selling point for me, the music itself is.

Last edited by chestnutflowers : 2016.05.07 at 07:20 PM.
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