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Old 2018.05.17, 02:02 AM   #7
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Osiris12345 deserves a fucking medal

Rereading Batman: The Long Halloween & Arkham Asylum: Serious House on Serious Earth, two of my favorite Batman graphic novels. TLH has aged slightly better since it draws from classic gangster films, especially The Godfather, while Arkham Asylum is a bit edgelord at times, especially in regards to Amadeus Arkham's backstory. But if you treat it like a tripped out, dream-like adult version of Alice in Wonderland with Batman in it, that'll get you the most mileage out of the story. I still think it's some of Morrison's best work.

Also been reading Rogue & Gambit mini series which is better than it has any right to be. Kelly Thompson's writing is really solid and Pere Perez's art is good as well. He's probably my second favorite Rogue artist after Pepe Larraz, which is saying a lot because Pepe Larraz basically draws the perfect Rogue.

I need to get into manga again. I've been tempted to read HxH after finishing the 2011 series recently but then I'm worried I'll catch up to where Togashi has written up to and it will take 10 years to get animated!
To not know is a form of knowing.
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