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Old 2018.06.04, 09:08 PM   #953
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Osiris12345 deserves a fucking medal

Thanks for the responses, guys! I was seriously concerned I made an "ain't nobody got time for that" post. I'm genuinely touched you all took the time to read my random thoughts!

Originally Posted by deadgrandma View Post
And yet, Variety still has more weight on her catalog than her latest work- maybe because Variety is a parody of tv jingles whereas what she's doing now is actual jingles. Which is disgusting.
At risk of sounding like I'm just playing devil's advocate, she has always done "commercial songs" in the literal sense. Anybody else remember that "Tokyo no Hito" soy milk commercial? I guess they just sound a lot more mainstream now. I mean, that Coca Cola song DEFINITELY comes to mind. 1998 Ringo would have balked at that repetitive auto tune song that I still don't know the name of.

Originally Posted by Tokyo Jihad View Post
Fantastic write up, Osiris! Thank you.
I've written so many words about these songs, and I could probably write more. I think my thoughts on Variety are best said in my edit of the album (which still might be on this site?)

But one more thought. This album left a bigger mark and inspired more thought than Sports and Dai Hakken.
Thank you so much for the feedback, Jihad! I was really hoping you'd read it since I mentioned you so much in the post. Feel free to share your retrospective thoughts if you ever get an itching to because I'd love to hear if any of your views have changed on this album since you clearly dug a lot deeper than I did back in the day.

And yeah, your edit is still here (I re-downloaded it actually )! I even read my review of it and it's so funny how much I crapped on Tsukigime-hime back then and love it now. I guess my taste has gotten a lot cheesier with "old age"?

Also, yeah, it's sad but true. This album DID make more of a splash than Sports and Dai-Hakken even though I'd argue those albums, pound for pound, are better examples of songwriting and performances from the band. But Variety was just so.... weird and out of left field that you can't help but notice it. It's sort of like how The Phantom Menace will forever be the Star Wars movie that people can keep talking about because it disappointed on such a large scale.

Originally Posted by Lena-chan View Post
I enjoyed so much reading your post Osiris!
I think it's totally true that the expectations towards this release was what killed our enthusiasm about Ringo

When I first listened to Ringo was before KSK was released, and my ex was an avid fan of hers. As I didn't have internet access back then, he was the one who would record her songs on a CD for me to listen to. When I finally started working, and lurking at the RingoJihen Forums, the only songs I had listened from KSK were Meisai, Torikoshi kurou, Odaiji ni, and Okonomi de; because when my ex, who was anxiously waiting for Ringo's next release, downloaded KSK he got completely disappointed because he was waiting for something that sounded like SS/MM/ZCS, and those 4 songs were the only ones that he liked.
Well.. when Kyouiku was released he really enjoyed, as her music had that rock feeling again, but then he never liked her releases ever again after that.
KSK disappointed me too because I was diehard into SS at the time. SS was my jam and I was like "wtf?" at this weird art pop album with Japanese instruments and non-traditional arrangements. It was way too out there for me to get into so he's not the only one. I finally had to sit down and be like "Okay, I really wanna just see what all the hub-bub is about because EVERYBODY says this is the best album" and listen to it all the way through. Once I heard all of "Shuukyou" I was FLOORED. The instrumental section with the "mellow" part was literally one of the most beautiful things I had ever heard in a pop song. I loved her soft harmonies, the passionate strings, and the way the song just ascended into this almost heavenly euphoria. THAT was the moment I loved KSK and never looked back.

A shame he couldn't really dig it though. Did you love KSK the first time you heard it?

Originally Posted by Lena-chan View Post
I think what made me enjoy her SUNNY album was that I had completely forgot about her existence, and as her previous releases felt so shitty for me I was expecting SUNNY to be waaaaaaaaaaay worse than it was (I don't even consider it to be in the bad Ringo's release box)
I REALLY need to check out SUNNY already and just review the damn thing. Maybe this weekend I'll hunker down and get to it. I trust you and Jihad if you say it's good. I still stand by Sanmon Gossip as a great release. I still really like it.

Originally Posted by Lena-chan View Post
Osiris' post really inspires me to write new reviews about all the old releases (I'm planning to do it since the forums came back to life), though my reviews would not be as funny as his was
Yes! Do it! I'd love to hear your thoughts, Lena!

Btw, I have not forgotten about your Brazilian music thread and will give reviews of those songs when I get around to them! I'm so busy lately but will definitely get around to them when I have a break at work
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