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Old 2019.11.01, 08:40 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by deadgrandma View Post
It sounds like there will be more than one version

This is called the LDN version and the strings were recorded at Abbey Road Studio by London Philharmonic Orchestra.

Me and Zero are putting bets on the other version being called the TYO (Tokyo) version and appearing at either Kouhaku or the Olympics.

I'm personally guessing she's gonna somehow fuck that one up. With like autotune or crappy Honnou remix style stuff. She can't NOT fuck it up anymore.

Also, on Natalie:
Ringo makes a comment along the lines of 'being tied up for 20 years in domestic product and now has the opportunity to write more freely in the future'. Is this confirmation on the theory going around that all these releases were just contract killers?

If it means more songs like this one with Hikki, then I'm all for it.
If this plays at the Olympics I'd be pretty stoked, even if it's some kind of electronica version. No way she auto-tunes it. I'd put money down that she won't because that would be criminal given how good their voices sound. Auto-tuning Uki isn't blasphemous in any way (in some ways he sounds better, lol) but Hikki? People gon be pissed.

I also want to know what the "tied to domestic product" and "write more freely" means. My longshot, wish-fulfillment brain tells me she's going international and I could finally see her in concert without flying to Japan. My logical brain that tells me there's no way that is ever happening tells me she's ending her EMI contract and is free to write what she wants when she wants to now?

Wouldn't it be hilarious if "writing more freely" meant doing doing an entire album full of auto-tune duets with Ukigumo?
To not know is a form of knowing.
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