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Old 2009.03.03, 01:44 PM   #461
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Originally Posted by frecklegirl View Post
Did we ever learn (or am I just not remembering) what Ben's motivation was for gassing all the Others? Was it just that he was angry that his dad had to be the custodian and he was determined to get revenge?
At that point Ben was with the Others/Hostiles/Natives. They purged Dharma after an ongoing fight. It was never exactly explained why they decided to kill Dharma nor that Ben was the man directly behind the move, but it's likely just that the Natives want to protect the island (as they did when the US Army invaded in the 50's) from Dharma, who were seemingly abusing the islands power. We'll likely see a lot of Dharma backstory now assuming the losties are in the 70's/80's. In fact, didn't Darlton infer in the last official podcast that we'd see the purge again this season? It's going to be interesting seeing things happen in the islands past with the losties involved. We'll probably find out what exactly happened during "The Incident" too.

Also golem, Ben's mother gave birth off island so I don't know how Juliet fixing island births would help his mother. If anything, he'd just have to make sure she gives birth in a hospital and not on the side of the road.
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Old 2009.03.03, 02:21 PM   #462
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Originally Posted by Inaudible-Whisper View Post
At that point Ben was with the Others/Hostiles/Natives. They purged Dharma after an ongoing fight. It was never exactly explained why they decided to kill Dharma nor that Ben was the man directly behind the move, but it's likely just that the Natives want to protect the island (as they did when the US Army invaded in the 50's) from Dharma, who were seemingly abusing the islands power. We'll likely see a lot of Dharma backstory now assuming the losties are in the 70's/80's. In fact, didn't Darlton infer in the last official podcast that we'd see the purge again this season? It's going to be interesting seeing things happen in the islands past with the losties involved. We'll probably find out what exactly happened during "The Incident" too.

Also golem, Ben's mother gave birth off island so I don't know how Juliet fixing island births would help his mother. If anything, he'd just have to make sure she gives birth in a hospital and not on the side of the road.
I know she gave birth off island. But I meant that STILL she could have been saved by the same solution, because she was already involved with the island somehow.
I'm not theorizing here, just pointing into a direction. No matter how they pull it of, maybe all Ben wants is to achieve is reviving his mother and maybe he hired Juliet because of that somehow.
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Old 2009.03.03, 02:49 PM   #463
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Originally Posted by golem09 View Post
I know she gave birth off island. But I meant that STILL she could have been saved by the same solution, because she was already involved with the island somehow.
I'm not theorizing here, just pointing into a direction. No matter how they pull it of, maybe all Ben wants is to achieve is reviving his mother and maybe he hired Juliet because of that somehow.
I definitely think Ben is somehow connected to births failing on the island. His mother died 7 months into pregnancy, same as everybody else on the island and I don't think it was a problem for the natives; they seem to have mated without problem. Heck even Dharma didn't bring it up, from what we've seen. It was Ben who brought in Juliet as a specialist after Dharma when he was leader of the Others making it seem like it [dying mothers] happened fairly recently (past 10-20 years).

Maybe it is Jacob's punishment for Ben keeping him trapped -- he makes every mother suffer the same fate as Bens, making Ben constantly relive such a sour point of his life (even though he can't possibly remember his mother, he was very fond of her in 'The Man Behind The Curtain' and spoke to her in visions (likely the island using her image to persuade him to join the Others). I don't think Ben would have wanted to cure the birth problem to bring his mother back though; just to fix a problem that makes him constantly remember his mother and a problem which may be his own fault.
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Old 2009.03.03, 03:16 PM   #464
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I'm still now sure what is the cause and what the effect. I think it could be the other way around as well. I mean I'm still pretty sure "The Others" are the guys that came to the island via the Black Rock. So I think it can be possible that there were never children born on the island because of it's nature. That sounds very rational to me, considering that it gives life, and even immortality and rebirth, it's very possible that it's not very fond of new life, or better new souls. So the death of Ben's mother could also be the effect, because she spent time on the island or whatever, whatever, I have no clue what will happen in the next episode, so I'll not guess how they explain it, but I think it's possible.
Punishing Ben by letting all mothers die just doesn't sound right to me. Birth is such a powerful symbol for everything the island means, that I can't imagine that it's way of working could be affected by just one man and his own trauma. I think it's rooted much more into the overall mystery of the island than just a leader that got there recently.

btw, could you explain the all we know yet about the relation of the captian of the Black Rock and Dharma? I watched season 2 in just 2 days, so I forgot a lot about that, and the internet stuff I never watched properly left me a bit confused about that. Especially who is the founder of the Dharma Initiative and who is the one funding them and who is our asian science guy and who is related to whom.
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Last edited by golem09 : 2009.03.03 at 03:19 PM.
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Old 2009.03.03, 04:02 PM   #465
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Originally Posted by golem09 View Post
btw, could you explain the all we know yet about the relation of the captian of the Black Rock and Dharma? I watched season 2 in just 2 days, so I forgot a lot about that, and the internet stuff I never watched properly left me a bit confused about that. Especially who is the founder of the Dharma Initiative and who is the one funding them and who is our asian science guy and who is related to whom.
Dharma was created by two university folks in the 70's, Gerald and Karen DeGroot, to research a key set of topics natural to the island for the betterment of humanity. This hasn't yet featured on the show, but during the Lost Experience it was explained that Dharma were specifically set out to change one of the environmental factors of the Valenzetti Equation, an equation which predicted the end of mankind. Dharma believed if they could change just one factor of the equation using the islands unique properties, they could avoid the equations natural result (mankind's destruction). The core numerical values of the equation are 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42 (this would go a long way to explain the meaning of the numbers). None of this speculation has turned up in the actual show, itself being information of an official online ARG but it did feature key characters (Alvar Hanso) and the blast door map in the swan on the show did have "low relevance to Valenzetti-related research activity" written on it, somewhat cementing the equation and Dharma's real purpose in canon.

Anyway, Dharma was funded by The Hanso Foundation, themselves a company bent on creating a "better humanity". They have several projects too such as "Life extention", "Electromagnetic Research" and "Mathematical forecasting" which are based in present time and mentioned on the official Hanso site. This hints at the fact that The Hanso Foundation not only still exist, unlike Dharma, but that they are still at large with experiments. If there is a third party aside from Widmore and Ben, it is likely Alvar Hanso and The Hanso Foundation. Their connection to the island is that Alvar Hanso is the great grandson of Magnus Hanso, the captain of the Black Rock. We found this out in season 4 when Widmore wins an auction for a journal of a ship mate of the Black Rock, a ship "Lost at sea" according to the auctioneer. The Hanso Foundation was thus decended directly from the captain of The Black Rock.

Hope that helps No, I don't have the greatest memory of all time. I just read Lostpedia a lot.

Edit: Ha ha, me and my housemate just had a huge discussion about the Lost timelines, where the island is in the past and how much time has passed since Locke turned the wheel and the oceanic's 5's return. Things were getting complicated so I opened up paint and explained things with lines and shit, making it much more clear (lol). By the end of my superb explanation, I ended up with this... ladies and gentleman, Lost explained:


I won't even attempt to explain the process of what is happening there (it wasn't drawn as one big thing, it was added to as I explained myself). Basically we both concluded that the island has stopped moving in Dharma times (70's/80's) but he believes little time has passed on island, and Kate will not have seen Sawyer, for example, for 3 years but it will be months or even weeks for Sawyer and I believe that years will have passed on island too and that there is a huge chunk of island time missing we haven't seen between Locke turning the wheel and Jack, Kate and Hurley bumping into Jin. Maybe not a total of 3 years because time does move slower on the island, but certainly a substantial amount. We then discussed the possibility of Jin speaking fluent English.

I fucking love Lost.
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Old 2009.03.03, 06:44 PM   #466
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Now I read lostpedia for almost 2 hours.

And what is the result?

Know I know that I don't know a lot more than before. Maybe Jacob and the others are heavenly messenger, send to earth to actiate armageddon. Dharma doesn't want that, because they are, well, human, and so they try to avoid that.
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Old 2009.03.04, 08:25 PM   #467
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God damn it, how can one season of a TV show be so frickin' awesome! It just never slows down! Don't click this link if you haven't seen episode 5.08... OMGZZZZ!?!? Definitely Egyptian matching the numerous hieroglyphs we've seen on the island. Anubis has 4 toes...
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Old 2009.03.05, 06:21 AM   #468
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OMG this was so awesome, I literally screamed in anger when the episode was over.
And I HOPE this wasn't the long long promised "you'll see the statue again" scene because in that context it would be lame.
Anyway I SO hope Sawyer stays with Juliette, their such a perfect pair.
They pulled the three year skip SO good, I was simply amazed. Seeing Horace was very nice too. Just like everything else.

JUST yesterday I saw the mid season finale of Battlestar and I was very impressed that the XO really had the guts to tell Adama he was a Cylon. And today Sawyer doesn't beat around the bush when meating Richard and spoke clearly. My, what a relief.

My theory seems to be correct. My theory about it being impossible than any episode from now is less than epic. My addition to this theory is now that in season 6 every single episode will get a Emmy.
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Old 2009.03.09, 12:56 PM   #469
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aaaahhhhhhh that episode was amazinggggg! I didn't think I'd be a fan of Sawyer/Juliet but I really am, as it turns out. Do you guys know how there's a big rivalry between people who want Jack and Kate together, and people who want Kate and Sawyer? For a while I'd been on the Kate/Sawyer side, because Jack sucks and I liked Kate and Sawyer together, but now I'm sick of Kate too (so whiny!), so fuck you Kate! Sawyer deserves better and you and Jack can be whiny and angry together! (I really hope he doesn't end up betraying Juliet to go back to her... ugghhhhhhhhh)

Also, I seriously hope they're going to be able to go back to their own time; it would suck if present-day Locke runs into like a 50-year-old Sawyer running around the island. Aaaahhh so many questions, this show is so epic!!

I feel bad for everyone who gave up on this show in season 2 (aka half my friends), it has MORE than redeemed itself now and all those people are missing OUT!

Also, I tried out the Sawyer nickname generator on ABC.com, which has you check off things that can describe you from a list ("tall," "blonde," "short," etc) and even though I never saw one thing about body type/weight on there, I wound up with "Skeletor." mmm... what?? But what was hilarious is that at the bottom it has a little heart, and it says "Sawyer" like he's signed it. Like, "Here is your nickname. Love, Sawyer." Ahahaha!!!! Awesome.

Where is Sun?!?!?!?
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Old 2009.03.09, 01:15 PM   #470
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Sun is in a boat with Lapidus, and they're probably heading for the main island to find Jin. I'm getting the feeling that the only reason why Sun didn't travel back with the others is because they want to delay the big reunion with Jin.

But, yeah this show is definitely so epic

but no Lost this week D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D:
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