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Inseu 2014.12.17 06:42 PM

Shiina Ringo's recent plastic surgery?
Ringo has never been a stranger to surgery since she was a young girl, and everyone knew she removed her mole once, thus showing she is very conscious about her appearance, as with many entertainers. From the recent PVs along with the new iPhone commercial, she seem to look much younger again, which makes me think she had plastic surgery. Since I'm not a master of the Japanese language I did not look into their gossip magazines, so I wonder if anyone had any info about her history of plastic surgery.

Let's discuss this taboo topic to death!

deadgrandma 2014.12.17 06:57 PM

The main question is: who cares?

Glathannus 2014.12.17 07:04 PM

If somebody showed you 3 screenshots from the same concert but they didn't disclose which concert and they zoomed in far enough so you couldn't see that the wardrobe or the venue were consistent, you might think it was proof of surgery.

Just from watching videos of her, like the clips of DOMESTIC Virgin Line which made it into the blu-ray compilation, she already looks like several different people in one song, depending upon her expression at the time and what angle you are seeing her from.

Fans were complaining about her lips when OSCA came out. Other than that and the mole stuff, I don't think she's ever had any work done with her nose or her jawline or anything like that. A combination of aging, and mothering a 2nd child; probably have more to do with the changes to her appearance in recent years.

gekokujyo 2014.12.17 08:49 PM

Also, make up. Make up can REALLY transform.

anonlurker 2014.12.17 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by gekokujyo (Post 92721)
Also, make up. Make up can REALLY transform.

Dat Shiseido Maquillage!

Entryâ„–1 2014.12.17 08:57 PM

Some "facts" (loose translations and hearsay I've read via the international community over the years) I've accumulated:

+ Ringo began painting on a fake mole in Jr. High using makeup, the chemicals induced a real mole to grow in that spot. I doubted this story until it actually happened to me as well, from painting on a beauty mark to imitate Ringo. haha. (Mine is not very visible.)

+ Ringo's mole became larger, and there were concerns about it becoming malignant, so she had it removed.

+ If she was ashamed of her mole, she sure as hell didn't act like she was - it became a prominent motif of her early career's imagery. In fact, "Electric Mole" was most likely a reference to her mole, not the animal I think she only referenced later as wordplay.

+ She's obviously an admirer of Marilyn Monroe, and has been her whole career. Marilyn Monroe may have even been the inspiration for her beauty mark in the first place. (I also just realized Muzai Moratorium's initials are the same as Marilyn Monroe's?)

But to reiterate DG... who cares? Besides, I'm skeptical, like Glath, about her having had any cosmetic surgery in the first place. Most of what has been alleged to be SR's cosmetic surgery in the past could be easily replicated without surgery (such as using lip irritants for enlarging lips for photoshoots). Makeup has incredible transformative powers, even in day-to-day life. I mean, have you ever seen a drag queen without makeup? :whacko:

FadedSun 2014.12.18 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by deadgrandma (Post 92718)
The main question is: who cares?

Seconded. We've done good so far of staying off gossipy topics like these. Let's not start now.

Kyogenshou 2014.12.18 06:39 AM

First to say: who cares. But let me say sometimes I have my doubts. It's funny and I don't mind gossip topics, but recently my girlfriend is trying to troll me saying she is so operated because she looks so different from her early 20's, like she looks even younger now. I really don't care, but I hope she do not operate too much, because I don't like it looking operations get you to in long term.

Inseu 2014.12.18 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by FadedSun (Post 92724)
Seconded. We've done good so far of staying off gossipy topics like these. Let's not start now.

You've been here longer than I am and haven't posted any Ringo-related topic. Stop living under a rock!

FadedSun 2014.12.18 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Inseu (Post 92726)
You've been here longer than I am and haven't posted any Ringo-related topic. Stop living under a rock!

I have? I signed up a while ago, but didn't post for a long time. I almost never start thread-topics because the topics I want to talk about are usually created by someone else first anyway. Sorry!

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