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HEDOfloe 2007.09.17 06:38 AM

Whenever there is an argument on this forum about the music, it usually seems like there is a schism between uki and hirama fans, or ADULT and Kyouiku fans but I don't feel that this is really the case. I'm sure there are many, like me, who love both phases of Tokyo Jihen but just happen to prefer one and then are sometimes put into a position to argue for one side. So I want to find out if this is the case or if there really are two/(three?) sides of the EMF forum.

golem09 2007.09.17 06:47 AM

Adult is better, but I like both.

Glathannus 2007.09.17 07:05 AM

This poll isn't fair.
Kyoiku was oriented to be live, and it practically was (a few of the audiophiles here get the sense that Kyoiku was recorded with all the band members in one room at the same time), even before the Dynamite tour actually happened. Adult was oriented to be studio, because it wasn't involved with a Dream touring Team, but a very different kind of team altogether.

HZM was already held back plenty, but to not even get his stage presence...
Of course Kyoiku is going to get some thumbs down in this thread.

But I'll tell you what.
Just Can't Help It loses to Dynamite Out, more than Kyoiku loses to Adult.
Have to put things into perspective here.

justriiingo 2007.09.17 07:07 AM

I'm tired of Kyouiku/Adult comparisons.
Enough is enough.

Op2 2007.09.17 11:12 AM

I think Kyouiku sounded better after I heard Dynamite! Out. But, excluding that, Adult obviously wins in a head-to-head album comparison. It's hard to say, both are really good albums, almost the direct inverse of eachother.

Tokyo Jihad 2007.09.17 02:03 PM

EMF: 1 0 days without drama.

Havent we had this thread twice before?

As I've said before, looking at just the albums (not factoring the live show and promotional images) theres really not as big of a discrepancy in the albums style. Only difference being Kyoiku was mixed to sound like a turd and Adult was mixed to sound listenable. Well, thats a direct inverse, but not what you meant ;)

HEDOfloe 2007.09.17 02:49 PM

I don't know how this get spinned completely off of what I wanted to accomplish with it. I don't remember this thread being done before, but even if it was, we have a whole bunch of new members and the community seems different than what it was when it started. My main reason for starting this was just to see if we really were divided as you jihad said how there is an "adult camp", etc. I don't feel this way so I wanted to see for sure. I'm not trying to say how ADULT is better than Kyouiku or anything as I love both albums.


Originally Posted by Glathannus (Post 16483)
This poll isn't fair.
Kyoiku was oriented to be live, and it practically was (a few of the audiophiles here get the sense that Kyoiku was recorded with all the band members in one room at the same time), even before the Dynamite tour actually happened. Adult was oriented to be studio, because it wasn't involved with a Dream touring Team, but a very different kind of team altogether.

HZM was already held back plenty, but to not even get his stage presence...
Of course Kyoiku is going to get some thumbs down in this thread.

But I'll tell you what.
Just Can't Help It loses to Dynamite Out, more than Kyoiku loses to Adult.
Have to put things into perspective here.

I don't think this is unfair in any way because as I've said before, I love kyouiku despite the audio quality, just as many other people loved it. I'm not trying to knock the album for it. I like most of the Kyouiku songs a lot more on the album then live anyway. I especially miss the clapping in the songs that is on the recordings and not found in the live performances. If others don't share this point of view, then that's fine, but I definitely made this poll in all fairness and sincerity and was not trying to compare the quality of the sound between the albums.

Kasanagi 2007.09.17 02:51 PM

Hedo dude, think you'll need to clarify whether this poll is in the context of the songs, the guitarists, the phases, the pianoists, the live gigs, the audio quality etc etc.

HEDOfloe 2007.09.17 02:54 PM

Just the music. Basically, anything that's on the album. The guitarist, pianist, whatever. I don't think live performances have anything to do with it but if you think that's important to you, then vote with that in mind. Like I said, I don't care for the audio quality since I think kyouiku is THAT awesome, but if that makes you lean more towards ADULT (which I think it shouldn't), then vote that way or whatever.

Let me just say, I think that the first four tracks on Kyouiku give me the best Jihen moment of all their music but I think the album gets weaker from there. I think crawl breaks the flow, genjitsu wo warau is pretty good but then service seems out of place as well and then the album ends well. I think ADULT has a better sound overall, because I love all the tracks all the way and the only ones that I don't love I just like very much. Whenever I hear kyouiku I usually skip crawl, sometimes genjitsu wo warau, and usually skip service also so I can't say I like it more because of that. I'm not saying all of ADULT's tracks are the best, it gets its weakest during yukiguni and kabuki, but there are no tracks that I skip on it, so it's my favorite of the two.

Maou 2007.09.17 03:36 PM

I prefer Eric Zay over Inoran. Even though Ino has cool hair, P90s and the beautiful FAKE? silver guitar, Eric is just a tiny bit better because he primarily uses a Jaguar and isn't afraid to break out the EBow for long sustains. Eric can pull off the sensual songs like Endless that Ino seems to be afraid to try live.

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