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justriiingo 2008.09.17 10:47 AM

The Vinyl & Turntable Thread
Merman posted some comments about turntables in the other thread which I thought I should comment on. Hopefully other members who own turntables will join in the conversation too. Anyway, said quote is:


Originally Posted by merman (Post 38454)
Turntable is a really cool thing... I'm no sound expert but I really like the sound of a vinyl better than the sound of a CD (and honestly I've listened to a vinyl with headphones on a decent turntable like 2 times in my life and not even to the full thing, but I could tell I liked it better).

As a bit of an off-topic question, those who own turntables here, which brands would you recommend to a standard user? I know I want to buy one in some time, and I don't really need a super-duper hi-tech setup.

(Note: I don't claim to be an expert in this area. I just got into this whole vinyl business 2 years ago. I hope this information will be useful to you.)

I personally own a TT from Pro-Ject and also their Phono Box II. I think the model I own has been discontinued by Pro-Ject but I think it should be similar to the Xpression series. I got both the TT and the phono box for about $250 total... 2nd or 3rd hand of course. Which is a really good deal. Anyway, I think Pro-Ject is quite a value-for-money brand. Their current TTs come with Ortofon cartridges and these have quite a good reputation in the industry.

Another brand that seems to be quite popular is Rega. They have a wide range of TTs for every budget, but I heard the Rega P3 is a good place to start. I'm not a fan of their cartridges though because the last one I bought didn't last more than a year... I'm not sure if it's a manufacturing defect or something but I certainly do not want to get their cartridges anymore.

Another thing you need to get after a turntable is a phono stage. I've asked around and it seems that the Lehmann Black Cube provides the best value for money. I've tested it before and I'm happy with the sound. It probably will be my next TT-related purchase.

Assuming you have amps and speakers, after buying these 2 items (and the related cables) all you need is some records and you're all set.

In future you might want to upgrade your cartridge, tonearms etc etc... Every single part of a TT is customisable and it sure is tempting to upgrade in search of better sound quality. But the TT world is a world where rich old men play, and many times the high price tags don't necessarily translate to quality. I'm happy with my current set up. I think it's good enough for a casual user. Listening to vinyls is such an engaging, hands-on experience and I'm glad this format is gaining popularity among people in my generation. I guess in this digital age where most music could be obtained for "free", pressing them on vinyls with pretty sleeves seems to be the only reason why people would want to buy them.

cjhobbies00 2008.09.17 02:57 PM

sounds like a 700+ starting investment at least. Parts need to be replaced, speakers, phono boxes, wires, etc.

maybe if I got around to finding a job...

merman 2008.09.17 02:58 PM

Oh oh, thanks! I've always liked vinyl, so the recent interest in them pleases me as well. Is it just me or are labels really expanding on them? It seems like so much emphasis is being placed on them as special editions etc. and that wasn't like that some 5 years ago.
Also thanks for all the info provided; Pro-jects are being sold here in Slovakia in my city, so there's no problem eventually getting them. I'd have to get some better speakers though, no doubt, and with all the equipment it can get quite pricey. It's not like I'm buying it NOW anyway... but I'll keep your tips in mind for that time :)
How about Vestax? Are they good? A DJ has told me before that it's a good brand for an average customer; that is if you're no pro in the field, which I'm not. And one more question - are the USB turntables really THAT bad? I remember Glath said about them in some other topic that they're the "fast food of turntables", but then again from what I know they're totally common nowadays, and probably the easiest way to get a TT is an USB model.

cjhobbies, I don't think the replacing part is that dramatic and TTs are surely made to last for a few years before any replacing takes part :)

cjhobbies00 2008.09.17 03:21 PM

well, ringo did describe a cartridge that broke within a year, and I used to own a turntable and know that the things are delicate.

justriiingo 2008.09.17 06:32 PM

I certainly think that labels are responding to consumer demands and pressing more vinyls. You can get quite a lot of new vinyls nowadays for varying prices. I got a little 7inch from Truth and Soul Records for $5 (minus shipping). It's quite fun. :)

To tell you the truth merman, I've never heard of Vestax before. The audio equipment industry has many many small players and I know the brands I know because they're distributed in Asia. I took a peak at the Vestax site and it seems that they are more into DJing turntables rather than "listening" ones. Do you know how much it costs to get one new? I think the Pro-Ject debut costs about US$400 new. The DJing ones probably cost more (I really don't know, I'm just guessing) because they have more buttons and functions. On mine there's only a single switch. On, off. That's all. If you want to switch from 33rpm to 45rpm you have to take out the platter and move the belt to another groove...

I think USB turntables are cool because they let you digitise your vinyl collection easily... It certainly fills a gap in the market. I was actually contemplating getting one until I saw how much I could save by buying 2nd hand. I've never used one before so I don't want to immediately assume that they're bad, but something gives me a feeling that this USB turntable thing is one of those "dumbing down the consumer" products. I guess in a way it's good that you don't need to invest in a separate pre-amp, power amp and speakers... but if you're gonna let the sound out from your computer speakers I don't think that would exploit the nuances of the vinyl format. I don't know. Maybe I'm just a purist in that sense. It does bug me quite a bit that I'm not able to put some of my records into my iPod, but really, if you want to turn some music into mp3s, why go through all the trouble! Just get the CDs (if they're available).

As for the cartridge, I don't know what happened. Mine could be the exception rather than the rule. My old cartridge (I think it's audio technica) has been on the TT since the first generation buyer and it's still good. Since I've put the old cartridge back on I've never bought anything else for the TT (well, except for records). Most people upgrade because they suffer from "upgraditis" and unless something is really bugging you with the system I really don't see the need to upgrade. The vintage TTs usually can last 20-30 years no problem according to a salesperson I talked to, but the newer stuff... not so because their build quality just isn't what it used to be.

But ya, think about it before you jump into buying one. It's so easy to get sucked into "upgraditis". Don't just buy one because of all the hype. In the end it's just another format of music... which to some is nostalgic, but to others archaic.

TeslaGuy 2008.09.17 08:16 PM

Don't buy a USB turntable. They are crap. The best value is a Technics SL1200MK2. Thirty year track record, built like a tank, practically no wow and flutter. You can buy one for $400 if you shop around. This link has all the information you need for setting up an excellent vinyl playback system.

Captain_Harlock 2008.09.19 03:50 AM

My old turntable broke down about a year ago and I've been wondering if I can get something simple for sampling and playing. I don't need it to be seriously amazing and as I'm building the studio, I'm not planning on paying $400 YET on a turntable, are there any other good choices around?

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