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Old 2009.11.05, 03:33 AM   #1
Scribble R
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Scribble R can barely hear you above the sound of how awesome they areScribble R can barely hear you above the sound of how awesome they are
Exclamation Are you inclined towards a particular genre?

Are you?

I think that the more people I meet nowadays, when asked "what kind of music do you like", they reply with "all kinds." I'm guessing that the majority of replies will be along these lines, but is it really the truth? Do you shun certain genres?

Sometimes when I ask this question to real people in real life (Everyone on the internet isn't real), they tend to list a group of sub or closely associated genres, like "Yeah man, all kinds of music -- Rock, punk, metal," or "Hell yeah, all kinds of music -- RnB, Hip Hop, Garage, etc."

As for me, I don't know tbqh. I'm not going to be smug and pretentious and say that I listen to everything, because I don't. But that's mostly because I never go seeking music from a particular genre, and frankly, all these genres and sub-genres confuse me. Neo-Olde-Supercalifradulisticexpialidocious-Popcore and labels like that. I do think that my favourite music just so happens to be across the board. And *most* of the time, I like a good melody.

And of course, I never shun anything based on genre. In my rough little secondary school, you were outlawed if you didn't like anything other than mainstream rap/'pop rnb', so I unfortunately submit to peer pressure in that regard ("Man, I hate rock music. It's all emo!"), but of course, that changed as I got older (Funnily enough, I was like that only five years ago).

A lot of the internet communities I visit seem to have a chip on their shoulder about rap and hip hop, and amusingly, act as if P Diddy is the epitome of the genre and make sweeping generalisations about it, when you could spin it the other way and say that Nickelback is the epitome of 'rock.'

I don't think genre-shunning is always bad (You may not like the characteristics of the typical DnB song, for example), but I feel that it's best to remain open-minded, because you're bound to stumble upon something that will pleasantly surprise you.

So, are you inclined towards a particular genre(s)? Do you shun any genres? Do you even care about genre? Is there a genre that you initially shunned, but are now 'exploring?"

One genre I want to explore is metal, although whenever I see an internet person recommend a metal album, the cover art looks like this:

(I have listened to Fantomas: Suspended Animation, and it was 'interesting' for a one-off listen) Maybe I should try Metallica?

Damn, this post was supposed to be much shorter.
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Old 2009.11.05, 04:42 AM   #2
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I'd say I primarily listen to Rock, but that is cheating as I'm talking about all of it's sub-genres. But I don't go searching for rock, I'll give anything a chance and there are few genres I won't go near. My dad introduced me to Black Sabbath and Deep Purple and those were my early good music loves, and from that I turned into a bit of a Nu-Metaller at secondary school listening to the likes of System of a Down and Slipknot (though not restricted to metal; I listened to a lot of punk too). Then I moved on to The Beatles when I was about 16 and from there I started listening to music and not a genre. Whatever it is, I'll give it a listen. I tend to stay away from anything manufactured, not only because the artists have virtually no artistic input but because I think it sounds soulless for the most part, but even then I have my guilty pleasures.

Metal is a fun genre to listen to if you don't take it seriously. You have to listen to countless lyrics about death and destruction and Satan (and no, I'm not saying all metal is about that) but if you just have a laugh and go into it with tongue firmly held in cheek you can find some decent stuff. Metallica was my first Metal love and one of the only Metal bands I still listen too. If you want to try metal, maybe try their black album (self titled) first. It bridges the gap between their thrash era and their commercial era so it'll be easier for a metal n00b to listen to and it's generally very good. From there, just work your way backwards through their catalogue in any order (Master of Puppets next, preferably).

Playing Brutal Legend would be a good introduction to the genre too. You can see how fun it can be if you embrace it's "BAD ASS" attitude and treat it like you treat dressing up at Halloween. Themes of the genre aside, there is some decent music underneath a lot of the time. System of a Down are the first modern metal band I started listening too, and I think their sound is pretty easy to listen to. It's very bouncy and melodic, and their lyrics are often more political than traditionally metal. Try 'Toxicity' (the album).
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Old 2009.11.05, 08:16 AM   #3
Scribble R
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Scribble R can barely hear you above the sound of how awesome they areScribble R can barely hear you above the sound of how awesome they are

I was thinking of the Brutal Legend thing.

Okay, System of a Down sounds like a good introduction. 'Toxicity' it is.

A few of my good friends back then used to listen to the screaming (Screamo? I dunno) music, and they used to pass me the earbud and I used to freak out and couldn't fathom why anyone would want to listen to that 'trash', I wonder if I'll be any different now. Thinking about it though, one of those guys was the 'when I'm in a bad mood, I'll move away from everyone else, lean against the wall with one foot up and hang my head down' kind of person.

Angsty teens
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Old 2009.11.05, 08:45 AM   #4
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System of a Down might be a bit brutal as an introduction. They aren't as bad as 'screamo', they have actual singing, but the guitars are pretty heavy compared to classic metal. They are fun though, and hopefully after a few listens you'll "get it". You may have heard Chop Suey before actually, it's their biggest single. Otherwise I'll stick with my other recommendation of Metallica's Black Album. No doubt you've heard 'Enter Sandman' and possibly 'Nothing Else Matters'.

I was never really an angsty metaller. I didn't really change my attitude or dress like a stereotypical metalhead aside from the odd band T-Shirt. I just enjoyed the music.
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Old 2009.11.05, 10:07 AM   #5
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I always just listen to whatever strikes my fancy :3 I used to have a friend who would only listen to metal (I think she was in love with viking death metal, if thats the genres proper name XD) when she found out I had a Britney Spears and Linkin' Park song on my computer she gave me a disgusted look and said "ew" XD

I listen to r&b on occasion and rap even less though. Sometimes it's fun to listen to, especially at parties but I've never been super keen on it :3
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Old 2009.11.05, 03:33 PM   #6
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The simplest definition what I prefer to listen to is things with a beat. My preferred genres are rock and dance, (and any mixture of the two, thus my love for The Smiths and early Ringo. I think my focus on beats is essential to my actual enjoyment of Variety.) but I do listen to just about anything that I find that I like. However it does have to be semi-complex. I can't stand any run of the mill dance hit.

As for metal, I haven't really gotten into THAT much. But back when System of a Down's Toxicity came out I listened to non-stop. ("Deer Dance" is a gorgeous song) But I couldn't stand any other nu-metal bands. (I can't stand Disturbed or Slipknot.) SOAD is different because they have much more of a melody in it. The same thing with Metallica. Their newer stuff doesn't appeal to me nearly as much as say "Master of Puppets", because when they started they had fast punk beats, which I really really like from them.

I do however completely and utterly shun country music from like, the late 70s and on. When I was little my parents loved the new stuff out and I just followed with their tastes. But after a while I noticed that 1. the meaning of the lyrics and what not was terribly trite and superficial and 2. it all sounds the same. @.@
I love Dolly Parton's "Jolene", I think Waylon Jennings has one of the loveliest voices around (in the way that to me, he = Barry White. ), and I love the country influenced twang of rockabillies like The Everly Brothers. But other than that, I can't say I'm a big fan of the genre, especially the artists out today.


Last edited by mizer_unmei : 2009.11.05 at 03:46 PM.
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Old 2009.11.21, 11:56 AM   #7
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I think I'm drawn to musical "elements" rather than a genre as a whole. I like:

+ Major 7th chords. You know the lovely piano long opening that HZM plays at the beginning of DO Kokoro? Or the soulful chords with which SR begins and ends her demos (Juwaki no Naka, How are You?, Now I'm Seventeen). They're in the music of everyone I've ever loved, from The Smiths to Jose James.
+ Rhythms that sound "skippy" or "slinky". I also like samba, disco and house rhythms quite a bit.
+ Female vocals. The more passionate and melismatic the better. I also love scat singing. Combined with the major 7ths it might get too much into floaty, "ethereal" territory but you can't say that if (1) the melody is strong and (2) extra layers of groove and musical harmony get worked in as the song progresses. I don't often like rock music with male vocals because that's too much "masculine" but I'd often immediately like the same song with female vocals. I wonder if the main reason I liked Smashing Pumpkins was because Billy Corgan wore a dress.

That said about genre, if you found me a new female electronic, bossa-nova artist I'd be very interested. If you were about to play me some opera, death metal or country*, I'd expect not to like, but that would be a common bottom three amongst music listeners maybe. Oh and gabber techno and commercial trance are terrible.

* Hmm, maybe the clue is in the name cos I don't generally like "rural" sounding things. My idea of a musical nightmare would be stuck on a farm listening to someone play a fiddle and a banjo.

Last edited by so_cold : 2009.11.21 at 03:43 PM.
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Old 2009.11.24, 10:01 AM   #8
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I listen to a variety of music. I give everything a try and find myself at least appreciating some aspects of new music that I listen to. I try to judge artists based on merit and if they're succeeding at what they're trying to accomplish. Then I stop and think about if I actually enjoy what they're trying to accomplish. 9 times out of 10 I actually do. The only thing I seem to really not be able to get into is metal. And I've honestly tried. Oh, sure, there's classic metal bands that are undeniably awesome but the metal fanbase and ridiculous number of sub-genres have made it a genre that I'm reluctant to get into. I like metal instrumentals but hate the vocal style of most bands too. I find growling vocals actually quite funny. Rob Halford vocals are more my thing. Dude can wail like no other and that takes some serious pipes.

These are the elements I find myself most drawn to though:
- Harmony. Vocal harmony gives me eargasms. It's probably why I'm still so into the SG version of Marunouchi Sadistic.
- Upbeat jazz and showtune music incorporated into rock. Shiina Ringo seems to relish at the opportunity to do this.
- Key changes. I think they are a great way to add intensity to a song. I find myself purposely limiting myself from doing this in my own compositions since I like it so much.
- Descending melody lines. I can't really explain why but it might be why I like The Beatles' "Something" and Queen's "March of the Black Queen" so much.
- Later verses sounding sonically different from previous ones. Shiina Ringo ALWAYS does this and I adore it. Shuukyou is a great example.
- Rhythm that I can tap my feet and snap to. I also seem to enjoy 6/8 more than 4/4 generally.
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