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chibijelly 2009.06.22 01:46 PM

Doctor Who anyone?
I will admit I'm a Whovian. I love Doctor Who, both old and new, and Torchwood. Anyone on the forums who can't say no to a bit of this British SF?

I'm really anxious about the newest specials that are due to air at the end of the year. And next series? Oh man.

If you'd like to gush, discuss, speculate, whatever - feel free. Just remember... River Song says no to spoilers. Mark them accordingly. :D

TeslaGuy 2009.06.22 02:02 PM

I watched back when John Pertwee was the Doctor, but that was rather a long time ago.

chibijelly 2009.06.22 02:05 PM

A very long time indeed! I'll admit that I haven't watched as many Third Doctor serials as I should have... D:

mizer_unmei 2009.06.22 04:28 PM

The Doctor is awesome! I've been pretty infatuated with the new David Tennant series recently. "Blink" is an absolutely fantastic episode. And the Daisy two parter! He easily became my favorite doctor. :wub:

My mum was a pretty big doctor fan so I grew up with the opening credits of the earlier Tom Baker years emblazoned into my memory. But that's all I really watched. When they rebooted it, I watched it avidly because I really liked Christopher Eccleston, but it wasn't until recently I started watching it again.
It's really weird, because after getting used to the new doctor, I'd expect to be a little let down by the original series. But going back to Tom Baker, he's just as awesome and the writing and acting is just as good as the newer episodes. And the cheap props and effects really give it an endearing quality.

This also started an interest in the previous doctors. I watched one called "The Aztecs". Maybe it was because it was so early on in the series or the first doctor was just too boring, but I couldn't watch it all. I really liked the story arc I saw with the second doctor. I haven't ventured into Jon Pertwee or post-Tom Baker territory yet. But after seeing "Time Crash" I'm kinda excited for the 5th doctor, celery and all. Netflix has a bunch of these available streaming so I'm going to eventually work my way though the different doctors. ^^

chibijelly 2009.06.22 04:49 PM

As much as I like David Tennant's Doctor, I can't wait to see what Matt Smith is going to bring to the table in 2010. (Nevermind the fact that I'm still very upset about Journey's End from last series... but that's a completely different story.)

I've seen a lot of Four's serials, some of Five's, and I really liked the movie with Eight. Nine, technically, was my first Doctor, so... he's kinda my favorite. I miss him so much.

JonnoJ 2009.06.25 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by chibijelly (Post 57973)
...I can't wait to see what Matt Smith is going to bring to the table in 2010...

Me too, not too big a fan of the show (only saw a few of Tennant's episodes, not my thing really), but he's an alumni from my uni, still quite a bit of buzz around him here.

chibijelly 2009.06.25 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by JonnoJ (Post 58519)
Me too, not too big a fan of the show (only saw a few of Tennant's episodes, not my thing really), but he's an alumni from my uni, still quite a bit of buzz around him here.

Oh, that's really neat. :D Not gonna lie.

chibijelly 2009.07.09 09:19 AM

Is anyone watching Torchwood: Children of Earth? Anyone? Day Four is on today. And I'm really, really excited. It's been great so far.

Fukurou 2009.07.15 07:02 PM

Don't mind me, just posting in a thread about the best SF/adventure series ever.

chibijelly 2009.07.15 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Fukurou (Post 60193)
Don't mind me, just posting in a thread about the best SF/adventure series ever.

Awwwwh yeah. :D!!

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