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MBF 2010.06.22 08:59 AM

#1 Most Disappointing Album Ever
Which album deserves this title in your opinion?

Try to name just a single one (... or maybe also rank #2 and #3 ;). )


My #1:

Kana - Tsuki no Usagi

Having liked all her previous albums, EPs and singles I was really looking forward to this one, since it would be the first to be phisically released here in Germany.
I bought it, listened to it, listened to it again and again... and hated it even more.
Except for the tracks "Dragon" and "Tenku" this record is just the most painfully awful one, I've ever possessed and hopefully will also stay the only one of that quality.

(not so) honorable mention:

Muse - Black Holes and Revelations

By faaaar that band's worst album... still better than most releases by your average rock-band, but so far I've absolutely loved every previous album by muse and still do... at least it's got Supermassive Black Hole and Starlight on it.

lazer85 2010.06.23 01:55 AM


natsume 2010.06.23 07:46 PM

Considering his pedigree, Paul McCartney has released some truly awful music.

I thought UA's (see avatar) "cure jazz" was very disappointing. She is a wonderful singer, but also a good example of somebody who should not be allowed to sing in English. It just sounds so wrong. She has a covers album coming out that might be good, but will probably suffer becuse there will be far too much English on it. If it is unlistenable to native speakers, it's probably not a good idea to continue doing it.

justriiingo 2010.06.23 09:17 PM

Tokyo Jihen - Album Number 3.
(i actually forgot the title)

and we all know why.

Osiris12345 2010.06.27 08:53 PM

Chinese Democracy comes to mind. Splinter does too. Ironically, Dexter Holland was considering naming Splinter "Chinese Democracy" because Axl Rose stole his dreadlocks hairstyle so he felt it was fit to steal his not-yet-recorded album name. Guess Chinese Democracy really does doom anything it's associated with.

St. Anger also disappointed the hell out of me and I haven't been able to look at Metallica the same since. It just goes to show that when rock musicians "get sober" their music tends to turn to shit. Hearing about James Hetfield's rehab and him trying to pass off "my lifestyle determines my deathstyle" and "frantic tick tock tick tock tick tock" as decent lyrics, the notoriously awful sound production, the trash can drums, the lack of guitar solos, ugh, just everything. I haven't even bothered to check out Death Magnetic. I just don't give a shit anymore.

Variety is a big one. It marks the end of Ringo's reign of flawless to nearly flawless albums. But don't take it from me - ask the rest of the EMF! :P

SakeIt2Me 2010.06.28 05:20 PM

Supposed former infatuation junkie.
I was such an Alanis fan, and still am a fan of sorts, but not the rabid "you are goddess" fan I was during the Jagged Little Pill days. She seems enslaved to lyrics now...

kuro_neko 2010.06.29 08:13 AM

shakira - oral fixation vol 2. after strong spanish works and a decent american crossover, she followed up perhaps her most experimental and well done spanish work to date, oral fixation vol 1, with this utter crap. it might have had one or two catchy songs on it, but almost every single song sounds thrown together in the verse verse chorus verse bridge chorus chorus chorus bubblegum pop writing school. what's worse is that she followed it up with another equally disappointing album, She Wolf, full of songs she didn't pen and over produced to compete with the likes of Beyonce and such.

runner up: Loose, Nelly Furtado. Shakira and Nelly were the examples of how a pop star could still write relevant music and create art in the pop world, but with Loose, despite being a smash hit, Nelly prostituted her song writing and traded in any relevance for a feel good slutty album produced by the number one culprit of wrong decisions, Timbaland, who single handedly has been responsible for atrocious work from the likes of Nelly Furtado, Utada, Bjork, and Shakira.

mr. Pillow 2010.06.30 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by kuro_neko (Post 69642)
Timbaland, who single handedly has been responsible for atrocious work from the likes of Nelly Furtado, Utada, Bjork, and Shakira.

Speaking of which, I was utterly disappointed by her last english album, "This Is The One": it's so bland and lame it took just two listenings to put it in the "never-listen-to" category. I was such an Utada fanboy up to three or four years ago, and if "HEART STATION" was the very first album by her to disappoint me (okay, I liked two or three songs, but that's it - and yes, I still hate "Flavor of Life"), "This Is The One" is the responsible for making me lose any interest in her future releases. The only thing I'm keeping an eye out for is a DVD for her international tour (which I couldn't attend, sadly).

P.S. Björk's "Volta" kinda sucks as well. It's my least favorite album by her.

KronKyrios 2010.07.02 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by justriiingo (Post 69590)
Tokyo Jihen - Album Number 3.
(i actually forgot the title)

and we all know why.

WHAT!!?? :o

I have taken to using a particular measure to determine which albums are my favorites. That measure is: I put the whole album on my playlist, and play it. A few times straight through, and then quite a bit of random. Whenever a song gets old, I take it off the list. After a month or 2, I usually have it pared down to a core list of things I feel will be timeless... those songs which simply never get old, IMO. I look at how many songs the album has, and subtract the deleted songs as a percentage of the album.

By this measure, Variety ties in ranking highest for my most favorite Ringo (related) album out of everything she has done. In fact, it may be tied for my #1 of all albums by all artists.

The only songs I have deleted from my playlist from this album are tracks 4, 7, and 11.

My most disappointing album has to be "KANA - Kikai-teki Ningen"
After hearing the wonderful "Hebi Ichigo", and "Kuuchuu Buranko" I was looking forward to more of the same. ummm... it's... it's... it's not the same...
As weird as I like my music... this is... well... yeah...

TeslaGuy 2010.07.08 10:36 PM

Paul McCartney and maybe Fleetwood Mac really disappointed me in the 70's. Devo laid some really stale eggs in the 80's. PUFFY and HALCALI have sadly disappointed me recently, but they don't even write most of their own stuff, so it is unfair to really blame them. Perhaps Nakata is becoming monotonously one-note.

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