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Scribble R 2011.06.21 12:52 PM

I Dream of Shiina!
In my most recent dream, I was sitting in a room with Ringo listening through her entire discography. Odajini came on, and Ringo was shocked to see I loved it. I don't really love it, you see -- but because it was on KZK I pretended it was my favourite song ever and milked her surprise hoping that she would reconsider her musical direction.

And there was one just before Expo 08. She was performing Papaya Mango for the entire setlist, I think. And one where she was performing Jimi Hendrix. Nothing really exciting -- I'm sure that some people have had more interesting dreams of her...or her band members =)

so_cold 2011.06.21 01:45 PM

Papaya Mango lol!! How did you feel about that one? :lol:

Not sure these are interesting, but I always used to get her music playing in very sad dreams that I don't remember, and I'd actually wake up quite upset. Usually it was the demo stuff, like Orgel, Juwaki no Naka and Tadashii Machi. 17 played the most and always accompanied a dream where I wondered about missed chances I had in life since about that age and not wanting to be 30 years old... And yes, I'd also feel very sad that the person who composed that kind of music has "gone".

So, that's a happy start to my post! Not dreamt her music in a while, apart from Poltergeist where I thought I was singing it in my sleep, and another where I was on Jools Holland in a band, playing a bunch of her songs and passing them off as my own :P. I also dreamt the tune to a new single of hers that sounded a little like Stem and Suberidai.

As for dreaming of Ringo herself, I've only done that twice, the first was that she was booked to play in this school assembly hall. She started to play Gibs, but her band was missing. Having realised I was the only one in the crowd who knew who she was, she stopped the gig and brought me to the back of the hall where she introduced me to Hirama and Kameda, who were eating onigiri out of Tupperware.

The second was that she had become world famous and Paul McCartney, a fan, was being interviewed about her on the South Bank show (arts programme). I'm sure "Apple records" was the connection. They then showed all the places around Liverpool where she grew up, and a London bus she used to ride to the studio, and then it gradually turned into a dream about a place in London called Streatham.

deadgrandma 2011.06.21 07:03 PM

People have music in their dreams that they recognise? GTFO

Glathannus 2011.06.21 07:46 PM

During my teens, I dreamed that a song was playing on my CD player, and that I was trying to play it by ear on my keyboard while I was listening to it. When I woke up, I knew how to play it for real.

so_cold 2011.06.21 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Glathannus (Post 75808)
During my teens, I dreamed that a song was playing on my CD player, and that I was trying to play it by ear on my keyboard while I was listening to it. When I woke up, I knew how to play it for real.

Was it your original song or someone else's? Either way that's very cool.

I sometimes invent music in my dreams, but I always attribute it to someone else, it's such-and-such's new single on the radio or TV. I know Aphex Twin sleeps with a digital recorder beside his bed so he can wake up and record his dream-songs. Paul McCartney famously came out with Yesterday in a dream. Dream music sounds different to anything you can come out with consciously, which is probably why musicians take drugs I guess...

TurtleFu 2011.06.22 06:23 AM

I have weird extended daydreams where I am in a K-Pop group with Shiina Ringo.


waxringo 2011.06.23 11:49 AM

I wish I dreamed in music...

SoulExperience 2011.06.23 11:56 AM

In most of my dreams she looks and talks to me adoringly. And I'm always surprised. /too lazy and embarrassed to type out the actual dreams

waxringo 2011.06.23 12:06 PM

is it cause you're naked?


W3iHong 2011.06.23 11:59 PM

Or are you guys on acid? =P I never had such good dreams before...

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